I have recently been working on some Python code for interacting with an embedded device from a PC, e.g. setting and reading configuration parameters, reading measurements and doing firmware upgrades. The device uses our own communication protocol, for which we have already accumulated quite a few Python scripts. However, this protocol is used both for our main product as well as several customer projects, so we are looking to make the code a bit more “release-ready”.
Category: Testing
Unit testing in STM32CubeIDE with GoogleTest
Unit testing has become an essential part of developing high-quality, reliable and maintainable software, but is not as commonplace in the firmware industry as it ought to be. If you are tired of being slowed down by the “build-flash-debug” style of development, waiting for hardware or having to share hardware with several other coworkers, then off-target unit testing and test-driven development is for you!